OrbTrader Roadmap
Here you can find some of the upcoming features / our current research topics for OrbTrader.
They are loosely sorted by priority but priorities might change, based on actual user requests. Our general timeline is to be as fast as possible, so there are no fixed release dates, but we will keep you posted on twitter / discord.
Watchlist feature
Strategy builder
Hot pairs - top Swaps - recent Trades
Expand token report
Demo mode (already kind of works but needs more testing)
Backtesting for trading strategies
Wallet copy and mirror function
Personal Risk score to filter tradable tokens
We are also working on partially executing orders over different routes and liquidity pools and more advanced stuff like TWAP executions, direct order matching and orderflow management. This is more for professional investors and traders and will be announced soon. But offering you the best and fastest executions in the DeFi space is our ambitious goal.
Last updated