$ORB Token

Some details about the $ORB token

The $ORB Token was launched on Arbitrum (Layer2 of Ethereum) as an utility and Token for the orbitrum project. Holding the token will unlock a variety of benefits.

Steps to purchase the $ORB token can be found on the How to buy $ORB token page.

Token Information and Contract

Contract Address: 0x54F983F1407D6ec30C6B7633F2Bf05a672a7f216 (always make sure you buy the correct token and verify this address!)

Total Supply: token

The whole supply was provided to a Uniswap V3 liquidity pool on Arbitrum during launch.

Trading Pair ORB/WETH: 0xa1817696a22253dab86023d252209d6ec02d2822

The token contract is verified and you can find the source code here:

It is an audited standard contract based on OpenZeppelin and the ERC20 standard. We have no anti whale functions, blacklists, whitelists, mind functions or other custom features which allow any kind of manipulation or changing it later. We also have no Buy or Sell taxes.

We have two rescue functions available to recover inadvertently send funds and though not renounced ownership of the contract.

Hint: Some websites like TokenSniffer currently can not calculate a proper risk score for the token. That is due to a lack of Uniswap V3 support.

You can find the latest transactions, our liquidity and more information about the token on Dextools:

Dextools Orbitrum Token

More documentation, a Listing on Coingecko / Coinmarketcap und utitilies will follow soon.

Last updated