Welcome to Orbitrum

Resources and guides to get started with Orbitrum

Important: Our website orbitrum.net is always the only absolute true source of any official information. Only there you find the latest project Updates and contract addresses. Discord, Twitter or Github may be helpful for you, but they are all centralized services where we only have limited control especially over the data availability.

The Orbitrum platform aims to provide traders and investors with better access to decentralized cryptocurrency asset management.

Hint: The whole documentation (and our project) is work in progress - we are developers, that's what we love to do - but we try to keep this updated to give anyone interested the possibility to understand what we are doing. If anything is unclear, feel free to ask on Twitter/Discord/Mail. We love to talk about this stuff and are open for feature suggestions and improvements.

The Orbitrum project and Token

In this section we are introducing you to the Orbitrum project, its "why" and the $ORB token.

The Orbitrum platform

Orbitrum has two major components - here you can find the details:

Official Website

Twitter Account

Buy $ORB token on Arbitrum Uniswap V3

Last updated